Posted by Keith Coughlan on April 27, 2016
SALESIAN COLLEGE, PALLASKENRY ACTIVE WEEK : Salesian College are hosting a 5km run on Thursday, May 5. All pupils from all years are taking part in the event. Pupils have been following a Couch to 5k programme in physical education (PE) classes for the past 8 weeks. They have also completed part of their training programme outside of school. The run will take place around Pallaskenry and is being organised and run by our transition year students in conjunction with the PE Department. This is the culmination of a two-week active week initiative, running from Monday, April 25 to Friday, May 6, which also includes a first year outdoor education trip to Connemara and a 5th and 6th year PE trip to the University of Limerick Gym and Swimming Pool.
This is one of a number of events being held as part of our Health Promoting Schools Initiative. Healthy Eating will be focused on with the Healthy Eating Guidelines being highlighted. Each day during the week, one of the guidelines will be promoted. Extra healthy foods will be offered in the tuck shop and school canteen. There will also be a dietitian coming to the school to talk to pupils about diet, nutrition and healthy eating. The theme of health will also be discussed and promoted in all classes in all subject areas throughout the week.