

BALLYBROWN N.S. NEWS: Officers of Ballybrown NS Parents Association paid a visit to the school last week to present a cheque for €1220 to Principal Joe Lyons and Deputy Principal Sheila Hayes. ‘The money will be put to good use,’ said Joe. ‘We have purchased a very special Educational set of Lego which be enjoyed by children for years to come. We have also used the money to pay for bus trips for Junior and Senior Infants classes to see a production of  “Cinderella” in the Lime Tree Theatre while children from  First to Fourth classes visited the Concert Hall in UL to attend a performance by the Cork Pops Orchestra.’

‘Children love to attend live performances’, said Ms Hayes, ‘but the cost of a bus in addition to tickets for the event can be expensive for parents. The Parents Association in the school has been very supportive for many years.’

The Parents Association also organised teams of parents to coordinate sales when the Annual Book Fair took place last Thursday and Friday, thus allowing children and parents  to do some early Christmas shopping while also adding to the school’s store of books.

Parents Association present a cheque to Ballybrown School

Posted in: Ballybrown N.S, Community News

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